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3-Steps to Creating a Cold Market Marketing Plan

Here are three very simple steps to Creating a Cold Market Marketing Plan for your business. When you first start any business, it is wise to make a list of family, friends and associates within the first 24 hours. This is what you may hear others refer to as your warm market list. You should then invite the people on your list to a launch party, grand opening, meeting, home party (which can be called various things), and/or a two on one sit down meeting in which your up line, business partner, sponsor or expert who will explain the advantages of partnering with you to your prospect.

It is drilled in your head that the less you say, the more money you will be paid and to rely on someone else to explain your "new" business venture. This marketing technique is called the power of 3rd party. If done correctly, you should recruit at least 3 to 10 family, friends and/or associates within your first 30 days.

However, the following three step process explains how to create a Marketing Plan for your new any new business. For those who don't know what "cold" market is, well let's just say your cold market are people who you don't know personally.

I can't make any guarantees but if you properly apply this 3 Step Cold Marketing Plan properly it will help you jump start your way to building a very successful and lucrative business.

3 Step Cold Marketing Plan

Determine your Target market.

If you are marketing your product or services to EVERYBODY than you are marketing to NOBODY. It really may be true that EVERYBODY needs your product or service. However, the truth is EVERYBODY does not want your product or service. Also, everyone may not want to start become a business partner of yours. In the end, people don’t always buy what they need instead they buy what they want. Now the first order of business is to find people who want what you have and can afford to purchase it.

Develop a message that speaks directly to your target market.

Be certain to speak the language they are most comfortable with. Your message should briefly explain how you, your product or service can resolve your target markets problems. Now, in order for this to work you must do some research to find out what their problems are. Once you have identified 10 problems then you can begin to write a message explaining how you, your product, service or opportunity can resolve their problems. Be sure to understand your market and who you are marketing too. This way when you write your message you are sure to speak their language.

Get your message to your target market.

You have to find a way to get your message directly to your target market. This is why researching your target market is so important. Find out their habits, likes, spending habits, where they spend their time, and what social media outlets do they use most. Once you find out this information you can begin to place your message in the mediums that your target market uses most. Don’t waste time or money posting on FB (Facebook) or Twitter if you are targeting college students. It’s more likely they spend their time on IG (Instagram) and or Snapchat. If you are targeting people who pay to go on expensive cruises than your best bet would be to target websites that market their products and services to older, retirees who love and can afford to travel.

In the end... It really doesn’t matter what product or service you are marketing but it does matter who you are marketing to. You will begin to see success once you narrow your focus so you can hit your target directly.

Yours Truly,

Jutata Basngiht

Lifestyle Architect

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