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Seven Things You Can Do Right Now To Start Your Own Business.

To help you take action toward starting your business, here are the seven things you can do right now:

🗝️Research Your Business Idea. (Google can be your best friend)

🗝️Pick a Name for your Business (Go to… to make sure no one else has your Business name. )

🗝️Buy a Domain name ( and/or are good resources)

🗝️File the Paperwork. (Go to…/apply-for-an-employer-identification-… and register for an EIN #)

🗝️Once you have your business name. Create your logo. (Go to or

🗝️Plan out ways to raise Start Up Capital. (Start a Go Fund Me page, Sell T-Shirts, Start a MLM, Fundraiser, Borrow from Family, Sell Shares, Be Creative)

🗝️Start building your own Blog, Website, Landing pages and App for your new business idea. (Try for 7 Days Free:

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