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You can make excuses or you can make money but you can’t do both. If I earned a dollar for every time I’ve heard people say, “I wish I could make more money”, I would be filthy rich. The sad fact is that most people say they want to make money but when presented with an opportunity to do so they would rather make excuses. It’s always something that is holding them back from making money.

For some people there are the “kids”. They use their kids as excuses as to why they can’t attend a meeting that could open the door to financial freedom. In fact, it’s funny to me how they say silly things like, “I got the kids”, like it’s some kind of nasty disease. Then you have those who use excuses like, “I gotta wait until I get paid”. I’m thinking to myself, “Are you telling me you are 35 years old and you don’t have $100 saved up so you can invest in your own future?” However, when we go out to a club this is the same person poppin’ bottles and making it rain.

I was once told by a woman who I admire dearly that excuses are the tools fools use to build bridges that lead to nothing and nowhere. What is your excuse? EXCUSES ARE FOR SUCKERS! It’s that simple.

Now take that to the bank and cash it.

Yours Truly,

Jutata Basnight

Lifestyle Architect

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